Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Regimen

For those of you who have expressed interested in doing a cleanse on your own, and for those of you who are just curious - here's the daily grind with the Master Cleanse. For all the nitty gritty, download the book.

Step 1: Laxative Herb Tea (Senna Tea)
Senna tea bags or loose tea leaves
Right before bed
As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist nature in eliminating poisons, the better.

Step 2: Internal Salt Water Bathing
32 ounces (1 quart / 4 cups) luke warm water
2 tsp of uniodized sea salt (must, must, must be uniodized)
First thing in the morning
To cleanse the entire digestive tract (enemas and colonics will reach the colon or a small part of it) . Several eliminations are likely to occur. Be near a bathroom for at least one hour after finishing the salt water mix.

Step 3: Lemonade
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice (organic fruit is preferred)
2 tbsp Grade B organic maple syrup (not Grade A, nor maple flavored sugar syrup)
1/10 tsp cayenne pepper (a bit more or less to taste)
~2 cups purified medium hot water (enough to make the entire serving 10 oz)
6-12 servings throughout the day
The lemonade provides all the nutrition needed for the 10 to 40 day cleansing period. Maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugars and has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Cayenne pepper breaks up mucus and provides many B and C vitamins.

Just drink it.

Optional: Mint Tea

It's a pleasant change from the above, and its chlorophyll helps as a purifier, neutralizing many mouth and body odors that are released during the cleansing period (ummm, I'm a bit nervous about these odors . . . ).

*No solid food, alcohol, supplements, vitamins, coffee or tea (other than mint or senna) should be consumed during the cleanse. Everything you put in your mouth during the cleanse is listed above.

*When planning to do the cleanse it is important to know that solid food should not be consumed in the first three days following completion of the cleanse. It is important to come off the cleanse properly - see the book for detailed instructions.

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